Green Roots is a community of gardeners who have a passion for gardening and a purpose to share their gardening knowledge with the world. It’s evident how passionate we are; with our primary mission to equip gardeners all around the world with the necessities and skill to cultivate their own fruit and vegetable garden. Our rapidly growing social community is proof of this, full of gardeners from all walks of life, who come together to learn, share and grow. It’s truly a blessing we wish to share with as many if not all. We have been fortunate to witnesses the power of gardening and how it has transformed lives by simply understanding how to cultivate, and it brings us joy to know many more will be able to reap the full benefits of fruit and vegetable gardening. So whether you're a first time gardener or an experienced green thumb, we can assure that you have ourselves and our community’s full guidance on all things gardening. Welcome to Green Roots