Greg Stahl


G.R. Stahl has has been writing about public land and conservation issues in the western United States for twenty-five years and has worked as a journalist, editor, author, copywriter and public relations professional. His journalism has been recognized with more than fifty-five state, regional and national awards, and his guidebook about paddling the rivers of Idaho is the most thorough book on the subject in publication today. A Ted Scripps Fellow in Environmental Journalism at the University of Colorado at Boulder, Stahl has studied water law, public land law, natural resources law and has a particular interest in the ways people shape and are shaped by the land and water around them. In addition to writing, communications and policy advocacy Stahl sometimes works as a carpenter and tile setter and has a demonstrable interest in any form of creative activity. That is to say: if it can be built, he likes to figure out how it’s built. In his spare time, he kayaks, skis, mountain bikes, hikes and climbs around the Western U.S. In addition to his books, both of them published by long-established and reputable publishers, Stahl has self published a short story about a tragic day from his childhood and his initial experience as a 10-year-old child with PTSD. He also writes as Greg Stahl.


