One lovely, campfire-smoky summer night in 2011, when my firstborn son was 4 years old and my daughter was only 2, having set up a tent in our backyard for a backyard camping night with my son, I decided to tell him the story of Aesop’s classic fable, The Fox and the Crow. That night was the beginning of a years-long campaign of telling my two wonderful children stories every night at bedtime – most of which I made up on-demand by request from the kiddos themselves! I always developed these stories with a sense of purpose – creating heroes and villains of various animals, mythical creatures and even people who could serve as examples for my children on how to treat others (and how not to) and how to conduct themselves with strength, wisdom, courage, justice, mercy, humility, faith, honesty, gratitude and awareness in this world. After some time, by frequent requests for retellings, several of my stories emerged as the family’s clear favorites. When my children were old enough they, along with my beautiful wife Tara, encouraged me to write down these favorites so they can remain with the family forever. Now, 14 years later, I am very excited to be able to share some of these stories with the whole world in a fun, beautiful and heartfelt series called “Fox’s World Famous Fables of Wisdom, Justice and Fortitude”! (After all, strength, wisdom, courage, justice, mercy, humility, faith, honesty, gratitude and awareness is a bit too long a list to be part of the name of a book series!) I sincerely hope that people everywhere will enjoy the excitement and humor of these stories, and maybe even be inspired by the beauty of the artwork and by the messages of courage, wisdom, strength, grace and all the rest! Grizzly Palomino