Håkan Järvå is a licensed psychologist from Sweden. He has been working on the issues of radicalization and cults since 2005, mainly on a practical level in both deradicalization work and preventive work. He authored three books in Swedish on the subject of cults and radicalization, meant for teachers, social workers and other professionals who handle cases of radicalized individuals. In Sweden he led several projects for the local NGO Hjälpkällan to help victims of cults and other extremist movements. Håkan frequently collaborates with local municipalities, the police, social services and schools both in Sweden and internationally. He held several lectures for the Swedish Center for Preventing Violent Extremism. Currently, he is working for the municipality of Gothenburg on countering violent extremism activities and on supervising social workers handling cases of violent extremists and returning foreign fighters. He is a member of the International Cultic Studies Associations advisory board (ICSA) and was a member of the now decommissioned Radicalization Awareness Network expert pool (RAN). As a consultant for Hedayah, he has supported training programs on rehabilitation & reintegration in Tunisia and Indonesia.