Hal Barwood


Hal Barwood is a veteran writer with multiple credits in multiple media. Following college (art major) and film school (animation), for twenty years he was a Hollywood screenwriter (SUGARLAND EXPRESS, DRAGONSLAYER, among others). For more than twenty years after that he was a designer and writer of videogames (INDIANA JONES AND THE INFERNAL MACHINE, YODA STORIES, RTX RED ROCK, many others). After all those years in the collaborative arts, he has now discovered the solitary pleasures of writing for the page. His first three novels, SHADOWCOP, BROOMHANDLE, and WHISKEYJACK follow the adventures of an unusual young policewoman, Marianne Sarzeau. She's a good cop with special abilities that help in her work. She is, in short, an adept. Some might call her a witch. Then came GLITTERBUSH, a story about the discovery of strange plants whose seeds blew in from another world; HAPPENSTANCE, an adventurous crime thriller about stealing an election in Reno, Nevada; and FULFILLMENT, all about a newcomer's misadventures in the perilous world of video game development. Hal recently learned that the plants from GLITTERBUSH have spawned mechanical beings. Who knew? The result of his careful investigation are reported in SANDPEOPLE and in his exciting new book, TINWOMAN, completing a trio about uninvited visitors from very far away. Hal's latest adult novel is a standalone -- CRATERTOWN -- the humane urban sci-fi tale of a small town on Mars a hundred years from now, and the agent from Earth who upends the settlement's fragile society when he cracks a murder case. While working on his adult fiction, Hal got to thinking about something for kids. His first effort is ANSWERING THE EMPEROR’S PRAYER — a young page grows up while on a do-or-die mission for his master. Hal followed with his second book for kids and nostalgic adults, WHY THE MOON MAKES MEN MAD, a fictionalized exaggeration of our natural satellite's astonishing effect on earthly life. Now here’s another story for young readers and the young at heart — A CHILD'S INTRODUCTION TO THE COSMOS. It's the sort of thing we might imagine before we grow up and have to face the dismal facts or ordinary life. Find out more about Hal and his books by visiting his website . . .



