I am a writer, counselor, retreat speaker, mom to fraternal twin daughters born in 2010, wife of a pastor-turned-seminary-dean, big sister to two brothers way taller than me, and daughter of parents who taught me to love Jesus and everything Carolina-style. Most important to my identity is that I am one who finds my life hidden in another's: Christ my Redeemer - an impossible gift of God's grace through my mustard-seed sized faith. I love coffee, reading, sunsets, the beach, date night with my husband, and family bike rides and chats with our daughters. I enjoy writing as a way to connect with others as we find hope amidst the broken places of life and seek grace for daily struggles. I went to Wheaton College for undergrad, getting my B.A. in Elementary Education with concentrations in Spanish and English, and my M.A. in Counseling is from Westminster Theological Seminary. Besides my books, "Unashamed: Healing our Brokenness and Finding Freedom from Shame" (Crossway, 2016) and "Domestic Abuse: Help for Victims" (New Growth Press, 2019), I also regularly write at Hidden Glory: heatherdavisnelson.com.