Heather Khym is the cohost of the internationally popular Abiding Together podcast. She and her husband, Jake are the cofounders of Life Restoration Ministries, where she serves as director of vision and ministry of the British Columbia-based apostolate. Khym also serves as director of the Celtic Cross Foundation. She has more than twenty-five years of experience as a speaker and retreat leader, offering workshops and conferences in the United States and Canada. She attended Franciscan University of Steubenville, studying theology and catechetics. Khym is passionate about evangelization, discipleship, and creating an environment for people to have a personal encounter with God. She works with and volunteers in a number of capacities for the Archdiocese of Vancouver and served on the archbishop’s pastoral council for six years. She lives with her husband and three children in British Columbia, Canada. liferestoration.ca/ abidingtogetherpodcast.com Twitter: @abidingpodcast Instagram: @heatherkhym YouTube: Abiding Together Podcast