A Whole Lotta Knock-Knock Jokes: Squeaky-Clean Family Fun

Heather Spohr is a writer and editor whose award-winning blog, "The Spohrs Are Multiplying," has been visited by more than 80 million people. She's been named Blogger of the Year by thebump.com, a Voice of the Year by BlogHer, and is in Babble.com's parenting blogger hall of fame. She's partnered with some of the country's best-known brands, including Disney, YouTube, Hewlett Packard, Got Milk, P&G, SC Johnson, UNILEVER, and HGTV. Heather is also a nationally recognized fundraiser for the March of Dimes, and the President and Co-Founder of Friends Of Maddie, a charitable organization that supports families after the death of a child. She has spoken at numerous conferences, on television, and before members of Congress.