Helen Colebrook


Helen Colebrook has attracted a large following on social media and her blog where she shares her passion for all things journal-related. She did not think of herself as creative until she found her ‘thing’ – creative journaling - and began her blog Journal with Purpose www.journalwithpurpose.co.uk . The freedom and lack of rules made journal-keeping the perfect hobby for her and creativity has now become a very important part of her everyday life. Helen’s journal pages have been featured in various books and she has been interviewed for podcasts and for an article in the Daily Mail. In addition, her work has been featured by Cult Pens (part of the WHSmith Group) and was exhibited by Rhodia at The London Stationery Show. She has also collaborated with stationery brands such as Staedtler, Derwent and Manuscript. Alongside sharing her journals on social media, Helen runs journaling workshops online and in person across the UK.


