Vitaly Herasevich, MD, PhD, FCCM is a Professor of Anesthesiology and Medicine in the Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, Division of Critical Care, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota. He has been involved in medical informatics for over 20 years, with a specific concentration on applied clinical informatics in critical care and the science of health care delivery. He was born in Belarus, where he earned his M.D. and Ph.D. degrees, and joined the Mayo Clinic in 2006. Later he finished MSc in clinical research at Mayo Clinic and became Certified Professional in Healthcare Management Systems (CPHIMS). He codirects the Clinical Informatics in Intensive Care program as part of a research group that works to decrease complications and improve outcomes for critically ill patients through systematic research and quality improvement. He is interested in studying and developing clinical syndromic surveillance alerting systems (“sniffers”), clinical data visualization (novel patient-centered EMR), and health care predictive and prescriptive ambient intelligence. He is co-inventor of number of technologies including AWARE platform, resulting in technologies commercialization. He has coauthored 85 articles and book Health Information Evaluation. As part of an education effort, Dr. Herasevich developed curriculums and teaches clinical informatics to medical students, residents, fellows at the Mayo Medical School and Mayo Graduate School. He is Fellow of Society of Critical Care Medicine and active within informatics and professional societies serving on a number of committees. More information at profile web page -