Hilary Connor is a Spiritual Wellness Coach and lives in Wexford, Ireland. She is a mom to three beautiful daughters and is married to Brian. A Hypnotherapist & Executive Life Coach, Hilary has run a Spiritual Wellness Practice from her home in Wexford for almost two decades. Her debut novel, Saoirse was released 18/08/2018. Saoirse (meaning 'freedom' in Irish), takes us a journey through rejection and abandonment and offers a way forward through her own adversity, knowing that love is the only true power there is. Hilary continues to write and regularly updates her blog www.hilaryconnor.com/blog/ with inspirational and empowering posts and articles to help one be the very best we can be as we travel through this journey called 'life'. Here's a link to interview with Victoria Mary Clarke's show All about books, talking about Saoirse and me: http://bit.ly/2AXNIRW Indulgeme Magazine featured Saoirse as one of their top books to devour in 2019: http://indulgeme.ie/indulgeinbooks-6-books-to-devour-in-2019/ Very proud of national newspaper's feature of me and Saoirse's release: https://www.pressreader.com/ireland/irish-independent/20180731/282316795843376 Here is a link to probably the most special blog I have ever written, explaining why I wrote my first novel/ Copy the link into your browser and enjoy. Saoirse - The Backstory http://bit.ly/2LI5Y54 Favorite Quotes: "Our Deepest Fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure" Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love, "Beyond the ideas of right doing and wrong doing, there lies a field, I'll meet you there. When the soul lies down in the grass the world is too full to talk about, ideas, language, even the phrase 'each-other' doesn't make any sense" - Rumi website: www.hilaryconnor.com e: info@hilaryconnor.com