Hopscotch Girls

About the author

Hopscotch Girls uses media to empower girls. We believe in strong female role models, reinforcing a healthy body image, inspiring confidence, and encouraging STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) skills. Hopscotch Girls' founder started the company after her three year old daughter was inundated with princess gifts for her birthday, including a book pushing girls to pledge to never complain. She asked her family members why they chose so much princess stuff for such a young girl and they responded with "That's what's available!" We did some research and they're right! The children's media market is dominated by male-centric, stereotype-reinforcing media. Experts say this kind of media can be very damaging to young girls (princesses can magnify stereotypes, etc.). Hopscotch Girls decided to flip this on its head and use media to build girls up instead of tearing them down.

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