Iain Campbell


Iain grew up in northern NSW and went to University in Sydney. After a short stint as a research regolith geochemist at the CSIRO in Australia, he headed to Africa and South America to map tropical landscapes and explore for gold. His lifelong birding passion soon caught up with him, so he switched careers to build Tandayapa Bird Lodge in Ecuador and form Tropical Birding Tours where he could chase rare birds with his mates Keith Barnes and Nick Athanas. He became fascinated by forest regeneration and the holistic relationships between birds, landscape, and vegetation. When not running and organizing nature tours around the world, he is working on his doctorate at the Big Ecology Lab at UNSW, and writes wildlife field guides as well as habitat field guides. He is very keen on collaboration, especially with people who have very different opinions and expertise. All his books are ongoing projects that benefit from critique, so please contact him with comments and ideas.


