Irwyn Ince


Rev. Dr. Irwyn L. Ince, Jr. serves as the Coordinator of Mission to North America for the Presbyterian Church in America. He also serves as an Adjunct Professor of Pastoral Theology for Reformed Theological Seminary. He holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree from The City College of NY, a Master of Arts degree from Reformed Theological Seminary, and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Covenant Theological Seminary. His deepest loves are his wife, four children and two grandchildren, Jesus' Church, Kettlebells & CrossFit, the New York Giants, and the New York Yankees. He is the author of "Hope Ain't A Hustle: Persevering by Faith in a Wearying World," and "The Beautiful Community: Unity, Diversity and the Church at Its Best." He has also contributed to the books "Reading Hebrews Missiologically: The Missionary Motive, Message, and Methods of Hebrews," "Heal Us, Emmanuel: A Call for Racial Reconciliation, Representation, and Unity in the Church," and "All Are Welcome: Toward a Multi-Everything Church."


