Schule der Meisterdiebe: Die geheimnisvolle Insel: »Hogwarts«-Charme trifft auf »Herr der Diebe« | Band 3 des Crookhaven-Abenteuers | »Eines der besten Kinderbücher 2023« Sunday Times (German Edition)
JJ Arcanjo is a half-Portuguese, half-English writer who grew up between the Algarve and Devon. He has a degree in Criminology and Psychology from Aberystwyth University and a Masters in Creative Writing and Publishing from City University, London, and currently works in Editorial at Bloomsbury Publishing. He’s published two crime novels for adults. His debut middle-grade book, CROOKHAVEN: THE SCHOOL FOR THIEVES, will be published by Hachette on 2nd March 2023.