J.J. Carrell


J.J. Carrell recently retired from the United States Border Patrol after a 24-year career as a Deputy Patrol Agent in Charge in San Diego Sector. Carrell brings a different view on immigration and what is now transpiring on this forgotten and unknown place called the border. Carrell's unique perspective is from years as a frontline Journeyman Agent to a Senior Leader in the United States Border Patrol. Carrell uses his experience to articulate who has created this disastrous situation on the border, how these policies are being enacted, and why these intentional policies are being implemented in his Amazon “Best Seller” books, INVADED: The Intentional Destruction of the American Immigration System and TREASON: The Biden Administration’s Strategic and Malicious Destruction of America’s Sovereignty. Carrell has released two documentaries, WHAT IS TREASON? #TRAFFICKED, and WHAT IS TREASON? #INVADED. These documentaries expose the traitors that run our government, the evil of child sex trafficking, and the peril the United States of America now finds herself.


