Jennifer resides in picturesque Vermont with her husband, Jason, a talented computer software engineer who brings a deep understanding of AI and the enigmatic world of computers to their lives and to this book. They share their home with three of their eight wonderful children. Yes, you read that correctly—eight! Their family is a vibrant blend of adopted, biological, and stepchildren and their four cherished fur babies, French bulldogs Izzy, Nekko, Keva and Nala who, despite their occasional fragrant antics, fill their home with boundless love and joy. When Jennifer isn’t writing, you’ll find her immersed in various artistic pursuits. She coaches basketball and leads a youth group at their church, where she’s dedicated to guiding young people on their faith journeys. Jennifer has worn a myriad of hats professionally, from social work to venturing into the exciting world of lm and television. When the pandemic hit, Jennifer decided it was time to pivot and closed her production company to fully embrace her true passion: writing.