J M Forster is an award-winning writer of books for older children and young teens. She lives in Gloucestershire, UK with her husband and two sons. Her first attempt at writing was when she was nine years old. That manuscript is still somewhere in the attic being looked after by the spiders. Shadow Jumper - GOLD AWARD WINNER OF THE WISHING SHELF BOOK AWARDS 2014. Voted Book of the Decade by The Wishing Shelf Book Awards . Shadow Jumper is J M Forster's first novel and is for ages nine and upwards. It is available as an ebook, paperback and as an audio download. To date Shadow Jumper has been read and enjoyed by over 200,000 children in English! Shadow Jumper has also been translated into Albanian, Russian and Romanian. Twilight Robbery: A Shadow Jumper Mystery Adventure is the second book in the Shadow Jumper series, and was published in August 2021. It is available as an ebook and paperback. Bad Hair Days, was published in September 2017 and is available as an ebook and paperback. Bad Hair Days is a touching mystery for older children and young teens and was a finalist in THE WISHING SHELF BOOK AWARDS 2017. Please check out J M Forster's website for her latest news and to sign up for her activity magazine: jm-forster Or follow her on Twitter @JM_Forster