A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Davidson College with a Th.M from Union Theological Seminary in Virginia, J. Rodman Williams was subsequently ordained in the Presbyterian Church and served as a chaplain attached to the First Marine Corps on Okinawa and in China during World War II. During the many following years, he was a college professor, a church pastor, a professor of theology at a Presbyterian seminary in Texas, then another seminary in California, and lastly a professor in the school of divinity at Regent University in Virginia. Williams authored many books, his magnum opus being a three volume work entitled Renewal Theology (Vol. 1: God, the World, and Redemption; Vol. 2: Salvation, The Holy Spirit, and Christian Living; and Vol. 3: The Church, the Kingdom, and Last Things. The three volumes are presently published as one unabridged volume entitled Renewal Theology (Zondervan, 1996). For further information, see the website: renewaltheology(dot)net