Josh Buck is a church planter, filmmaker, teacher, and faith-based entrepreneur. He holds a B.A. in Biblical Studies, M.A. of Ministry, and a PhD in Intercultural Studies. His doctoral work focuses on the problem of racial violence. In 2010, Josh planted a church in Los Angeles called Antioch. In 2019, Josh helped start a Jesus-centered organization called Pax. He currently is the Program Director of NYAP's La Jornada Tucson which serves unaccompanied minors through the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). He enjoys reading, writing poetry, spending time with his family, traveling, creating music, and listening to people's stories. He is married to Sarswatie and father to Aahana, Anaia, and Azariah. They live on the southwest side of Tucson, AZ. He is author of Everyday Activism: 7 Practices of Jesus to Create a Just World and the forthcoming book In God's Good Image: How Jesus dignifies, shapes, and confronts our Cultural Identities.