Julia Royston is an author, publishing and motivational speaker born and raised in Louisville, KY. Julia is the oldest of 3 daughters in a Christian family and is married to Mr. Brian K. Royston. Julia earned a B.A. in Accounting, two Masters Degrees in Information Science and a doctorate in Religious Education from Bellarmine University, University of Kentucky, Spalding University and Grace Bible College, Niles, OH, respectively. Julia is a public elementary school Computer Technology Teacher/Media Specialist by profession. Julia has appeared on The Bobby Jones Presents New Artist Showcase and ministered with notables such as Dr. Jackie McCullough, Pastor Donnie McClurkin, Bishop Noel Jones, Bishop Tudor Bismarck, Myron Williams and Bishop Richard “Mr. Clean” White. In December 2004 and 2005, Julia toured Switzerland with the Voices of Gospel Concert Series. In 2002, Julia established For the Kingdom Ministries with the mission to “Build God’s People to Build the Kingdom of God” through education, empowerment and encouragement through inspirational music, high quality materials and messages of hope. Julia has been singing since nine years of age and to date has recorded several music projects including, “Joy in His Presence”, “A New Season in Word and Song”, “Hymns for Him”, “For Your Glory Lord” and in Fall of 2016 released her latest full project, “Begin Again” available on all major digital distribution sites. In 2008, BK Royston Publishing Company was established and released its first book titled, "All New Season in Word.” To date Julia Royston has published 66 books with BK Royston Publishing Company, LLC and has signed 225 authors to her company and published more than 350 books. For more information about BK Royston Publishing, visit http://www.bkroystonpublishing.com. Julia Royston Enterprises LLC was established in 2013 to assist people to walk in their purpose through transformational virtual, group and individual coaching. Visit: http://www.juliaroystonenterprises.com to learn more about and sign up for the many coaching programs offered by Julia Royston Enterprises. In 2015, a second publishing company, Royal Media Publishing was established to tackle the tough, mainstream and global topics. Royal Media Publishing is committed to publishing high quality manuscripts to bring to the forefront issues that touch every walk of society. Currently, Julia Royston hosts Live Your Best Life, a weekly Broadcast on www.envision-radio.com each Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. EST. Also she hosts the Book Business Boss Podcast, to subscribe visit www.bookbusinessbosspodcast.com. In 2021, the Book Business Boss Coaching Community was relaunched for authors who need coaching and mentoring to take their books to the next level. Visit www.bookbusinessbosses.com for more information. The year 2022 marks 14 years that BK Royston Publishing has been in business. Julia Royston continues to travel the country speaking, singing, empowering and inspiring people around the world to write, publish their books and to live their purpose, the abundant life and reach Destiny. If you are ready for the publishing journey, speak to a team member at http://www.talkwithroyston.com or visit http://solo.to/juliaaroyston for all of her connection links. Keep up with Julia on Social Media by following or liking her pages on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and TikTok.