Jack Chesher


Jack Chesher is a London tour guide, blogger, author and general enthusiast for the city’s quirks. In September 2020, Jack founded his website Living London History sharing London’s most fascinating and unusual historical sites. In 2021 he completed Open City’s Golden Key Academy guiding course and since October 2021 has been leading guided walking tours of London’s hidden history. The tours are of specific areas of London, aiming to unearth its hidden history and point out the little details that you may otherwise miss. In just under a year Living London History tours has shot into the top ten tours in London on Tripadvisor. Jack grew up in Essex and has always been fascinated by the city. He studied history at the University of Bristol, where he lived for a time before moving to London. Read his weekly blog post and book tours at www.livinglondonhistory.com and can follow him @livinglondonhistory on Instagram, Facebook and TikTok and @livinglondonhis on Twitter.


