Jack Cottrell received a BA from Cincinnati Christian University in 1959 and also a BS from the University of Cincinnati. He then earned an M.Div. from Westminster Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. from Princeton Theological Seminary in Princeton, NJ. His book "BAPTISM: Zwingli or the Bible" is a "layman's" version of his doctorial thesis. Cottrell returned to Cincinnati Christian University in 1967 holding a conservative view of the Bible and Christianity. That continued for 49 years. Dr. Cottrell taught over 40 separate courses, to thousands of students.He has authored 45 books on Christian theology and doctrine - 24 books in just the last 5 years of his life. Frequent topics include grace, faith, baptism, Biblical accuracy, Biblical consistency, and the nature of God. He has also tackled other issues including leadership and gender roles in Christianity. Many of his books have been translated from English into 15 languages. His books include: Baptism: A Biblical Study The Holy Spirit: A Biblical Study The Faith Once for All: Bible Doctrine for Today Bible Prophecy and End Times Set Free! What the Bible Says About Grace Power From On High: What the Bible Says About the Holy Spirit Tough Questions Biblical Answers Parts One and Two 13 Lessons on Grace and His Truth: Scriptural Truths About Basic Doctrines Faith's Fundamentals: Seven Essentials of Christian Belief God Most High: What the Bible Says about God the Creator, Ruler, Redeemer Solid: The Authority of God's Word Studies in First Peter: 35 Lessons for Personal or Group Study Saved by Grace: The Essence of Christianity The Collected Writings of Jack Cottrell (Volumes 1 - 18) -The Unity of Truth - Vol. 1 - God's Word is Truth - Vol. 2 - The God of the Bible - Vol. 3 - The Bible Versus Calvinism - Vol. 4 - One Baptism Into Christ - Vol. 5 - Biblical Anthropology: Man, Sin, and Death - Vol. 6 - Jesus: Lord and Savior – Vol. 7 - Spirits: Holy and Unholy – Vol. 8 - God’s Amazing Salvation (Vol. 1) – Vol. 9 - God’s Amazing Salvation (Vol. 2) – Vol. 10 - The Church of Jesus Christ – Vol. 11 - From Now to Eternity – Vol. 12 - The Gender Roles Debate – Vol. 13 - Living the Sanctified Life – Vol. 14 - The Ten Commandments – Vol. 15 - Cults and the Occult – Vol. 16 - The Reasons for Our Hope – Vol. 17 - Studies in Bible Doctrine – Vol. 18 Studies in Ephesians: 25 Lessons for Personal or Group Study Studies in Romans - Part 1 Studies in Romans - Part 2 BAPTISM: Zwingli or the Bible He has also authored several Biblical commentaries. Including: Romans NIV Commentary A prolific writer, Dr. Cottrell wrote numerous articles in a variety of Christian publications. His articles appeared most frequently in The Restoration Herald published monthly by The Christian Restoration Association ("C.R.A.") in Mason, OH. Jack Cottrell served as a Trustee of the C.R.A. from 2003 to 2021. In December 1961, he submitted an opinion piece for The Restoration Herald and then in June of the following year his article "The Use of Scriptural Terminology by Disciples of Christ Leaders" was published in a four-part series. In April 2011, he began penning the "Ask the Professor" column which has appeared monthly ever since. These articles may all be found in the archives of The Restoration Herald.[15]