Jack D. Kilcrease


Jack D. Kilcrease is professor of historical and systematic theology at Christ School of Theology. He grew up in Oregon and attended Luther College in Iowa (B.A. History and Religion) and Luther Seminary in St. Paul, MN (M.A. Doctrine and Theology). He graduated in 2009 from Marquette University with a Ph.D in systematic theology. He has published articles in the journals: Concordia Theological Quarterly, Pro Ecclesia, Lutheran Quarterly, LOGIA, The Journal of Ecclesiastical History, Testamentum Imperium, Theofilos, and Lutheran Synod Quarterly. He has contributed essays and articles to "The Dictionary of Luther and Lutheran Tradition," "The Encyclopedia of Luther and the Reformation," "How to Understand the Sacred Scriptures," and "Aquinas Among the Protestants." He is the author of four books: "The Self-Donation of God: A Contemporary Lutheran Approach to Christ and His Benefits," "Confessional Lutheran Dogmatics Series: Locus on Holy Scripture," "The Doctrine of Atonement: From Luther to Forde", and "Justification by the Word: Restoring Sola Fide."



