Jack has been a follower of the Word all his life. Of course, there were times when he was not using his own feet on his journey and the waywardness was difficult. The Lord had another plan. His plan. Jack in need of more than what he was experiencing, needed to experience a miracle. He moved to a new city and searched out churches until he found one that he felt comfortable. The pastor and staff, along with members welcomed him. He began to read his Bible again and became enriched with the Word flowing through him. The worship team invited him to join and play music for the church. Jack readily accepted and began the journey that would fill his life with what he needed – God, His grace and mercy. The miracle was taking form. A few years later listening to pastors, the repetitive speaking of Proverbs began its promise of empowerment. Jack noticed the bloom of change and became bold in his speaking with God. As the spirit grew so did the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding for God and grew to righteousness. The soft whispering of God was in Jack’s ear out of the blue, while working at his computer one day, and he was overwhelmed by the request to write and publish the positive and affirming power of Proverbs. Within hours the body of the manuscript was a rough-in. Within a month the daily Proverbs were completed. Jack spoke outwardly the gratitude and thankfulness for the honor to represent the Word of God in a manuscript, blessed it and rested in the knowing of its success to empower all who speak it. And now, today, that promise is being fulfilled in this book of devotional love. The outwardly spoken words here are for you, too, to experience your ongoing and everlasting miracle throughout your life and in all of life. Just SPEAK.