Jack R. Taylor is a name that has become synonymous with the Spirit-filled life and the message of the Kingdom of God. After almost seventeen years as pastor of the Castle Hills First Baptist Church, San Antonio, Texas, where God moved in revival to usher into the Kingdom over 2000 people in eighteen months, he has pursued an itinerant ministry that has lasted nearly 40 years. Jack Taylor preaches the Kingdom of heaven around the world through his books, recorded messages, and speaking engagements. He is president of Dimensions Ministries and the spiritual father to hundreds connected to him through Sonslink, a ministry committed to modeling the Father/Son paradigm. He lives with his wife, Friede, near Melbourne, Florida, and is a graduate of Hardin-Simmons University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He received an honorary Doctorate in 2011 from St. Thomas Christian College of Jacksonville, Florida. Among his other books are The Key to Triumphant Living, The Hallelujah Factor, God’s New Creation, Prayer Life’s Limitless Reach, Much More, After The Spirit Comes, and Word Spirit Power. Jack Taylor passed away on April 25, 2021, from congestive heart failure. He was 87 years old. He is survived by his wife Friede. His daughter Tammy Snell, and his son Tim Taylor. You can learn more about his ministry and find more of his materials at www.JackRTaylor.com.