I believe that the greatest thing a person can do is to live out the purpose that God created them to live. My heart and passion is to help you live out YOUR purpose! I write to all people and seek to answer life's tough questions with real answers and to give people practical ways to live them out. I also believe greatly in the local church impacting people's lives OUTSIDE the walls of the church and seek to build up individuals and local churches to impact their community in greater ways. I hope you enjoy my newest book "Let Your Voice Be Heard" and the others! In this together, Jack Jack is the Founder and Executive Director at Jack Redmond Ministries (www.jackredmond.org) and also as serves at Christ Church (www.christchurchusa.org) as the Church Mobilization Pastor over evangelism, assimilation, discipleship and church growth. He is a frequent speaker at local churches and conferences. To make a speaker request, please go to http://jackredmond.org/speaking-request/. Jack has an M. Ed. from Columbia University and is currently pursuing an M. Div. from Regent University (May 2017). He resides in New Jersey with his wife and their four children.