Jaime Diglio


Jaime Diglio is a high-performance coach, trainer, and speaker best known for her ability to repeatedly turn average players into top performers by developing their inner game. She spent 20 years as a top 1% seller and leader at Gartner & Microsoft, advising Fortune 500 companies on their technology and people transformations. Jaime has worked with over 300 organizations, from large multibillion-dollar corporations to small startups. Today, she is the founder and CEO of inFirst Consulting. An underdog from an early age, Jaime learned to play the hand she was dealt and win in a different way that isn't taught in school or business. Her unconventional techniques grounded in sports psychology, neuroscience, behavioral science & social intelligence are the secret weapon to her client's success. Jaime, a sales coach for Harvard Business School and Bryant University, holds a master's degree in I/O Psychology and advanced certifications in business philosophy. Her TEDx Talk, "From WAR Room to WIN Room: Change your room, change your life," has made her an in-demand keynote speaker on mindset, resilience, leadership, and performing through adversity. Jaime believes there is greatness in everyone; they simply need to know where to look. This belief drives her daily work, helping people defy the odds and play the game their way.


