James A B Mahaffey Jr.


Non-fiction I am an Engineer who set out to write a simple technical report in 1986. I developed a set of 79 differential equations to describe and explain, in mathematical terms, human Quantum Holograms. I tested my theory and modified my delta equations as necessary after each test. About mid-way through that effort I realized I had to go back and take a closer look at one of my core engineering classes - Modern Physics aka Quantum Mechanics. The number of differential equations, in my Delta Equation Set, increased to 103 for sentient beings - to address consciousness and the Mind! Note: I learned the Mind is not the same thing as your brain! That's like saying the Internet is a result of your PC, tablet or smart phone! At some point I made the decision to transform my simple technical report into a book for the layperson. After sending this 798 page book to the US Copyright Office late in 2001 - I discovered there was technology involved! This was completely unexpected and quite literally blew my Mind! From January 2002 until December 2006 I reviewed the state of the art, analyzed the work of the original Pioneers and performed Engineering analysis and verification testing of their Quantum Hologram Technology (signals or information) and Quantum Interface Technology (energy and power) devices and systems. I filled over 22 notebooks with my analysis and tests of their designs. From 2008 onward I designed and tested new designs based on my Quantum Hologram and Quantum Interface theories. I have released over 29 books on Kindle about Human Quantum Hologram Science and Quantum Field Interface Technology. The first of these three books is a companion book, for the layperson, that builds-on my first technical book Human Quantum Hologram Science. The second Human Quantum Hologram book is about Quantum Holograms and Remote Viewing or RV. The third Human Quantum Hologram book is about Human Quantum Holograms and the power of the Earthling Mind. I have also released several books on Quantum Hologram Technology. The first, builds-on Human Quantum Hologram Science, and explains how to use this technology to conduct Mind Intent Operations (MIO) using the Hieronymus Machine or one of its new variants on the market including the paper and ink version. The second explains how to use this technology to conduct Mind Intent Operations (MIO) using Passive Solid State Devices (PSSD). I re-released (28Aug2017) an updated version of Training Circular - 301. This book was written to help any layperson build this new technology for MIO. For a complete list of my Human Quantum Hologram and Quantum Field Interface Technology books and magazines visit: https://www.29tec.us/QIT%20page%206.html My first e-book in the Quantum Interface Technology series is subtitled: How to Restore Your Quantum Holograms, was designed to help the True Seeker recharge their Quantum Energy to be able to transmit their Quantum Holograms again. This e-book explains the difference between the Original Pioneer's Quantum Hologram Amplifier and my Quantum Hologram Recharger (QHR). The QHR causes the Material Cause (Ether, Void, Vacuum, Quantum Field) to release the pure (without signal of life) Quantum Energy. Quantum Energy is the Non-physical Energy or incorrectly labeled "free energy" that so many have sought. Due to the economy I had to transfer ownership of my original Publishing Company and my website. They decided to remove all of my Non-Fiction e-books from Amazon Kindle and take down my website of 18 years! I re-branded my company to begin production and marketing of my Quantum Hologram Technology and Quantum Interface Technology products. I decided to focus my remaining time on the technology side of my life's work - so I have no plans to revise all of my Quantum Particle Hologram e-books. My new website: www.29tec.us My volunteer staff wanted to do their own work and I decided to retire. I reverted my company back to Research and Development. After a nice break I began producing books and magazines again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fiction I decided to write a story with interesting characters to promote my life's work. I have never claimed to be a writer - I am at best a decent story teller - although after a 22 year career working for the Federal Government I can write an excellent "manual". I realized after reading Stephen King's: excellent book: On Writing a Memoir of the Craft - after publishing my second novel on the subject outlined in the non-fiction section of my biography (above) that I needed to revise both novels. Mr. King said if you were a plumber you should write a novel about a Star Plumber. There was something about the title and the idea that resonated with me - even though I am not a plumber. So I started writing a story about a plumber in space. At some point during the creative process I realized I could change the focus from my "plumber" to the characters I had created for dream sequences in my first two novels! Thus I began to write about the sentient, artificial life forms that serve the galactic Union Navy. After publishing Union Ships of the Line: The Return of the Seven Sisters. I wrote four more companion novellas about the Seven Sisters and the new "Baby Sisters". I then wrote a spin off short story about the Rangers of the Star Guard Legion, which is a story about ground combat. I have enjoyed writing the stories about the Seven Sisters - I hope my readers have enjoyed reading them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Other Non-fiction I produced a magazine series: "Survival Kits and Gear: The Magazine for U.S. Military Survival Kit Collectors". I then produced "US Survival Gear Catalog: The Catalog of U.S. Military Survival Equipment". I have also produced several fun books: "My Affair with the Falcon", "My Phaser Affair" and "Practical Phasers: A Guide to Season One Working Hero P2s and P1s". Note: I have placed my phaser drawings from this book on: https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/jamesab-mahaffeyjr - - where my readers can get large wall prints and coffee mugs with their favorite phaser prop drawings.



