James Cook


I have a BS in Biology, a MS in Physiology and a MBA. I obtained the MBA when I found the dairy cattle in my MS thesis research of greater interest than the laboratory work. That made me realize I was cut out more for working with humans than test tubes each day. Years were spent in financial institution and capital market oversight. I dealt with many people and problems, including in the exciting and depressing days of the Great Recession. Science continued to be a magnet for my interest however. I may not have had the patience for research, but loved to read about the discoveries in the world of science. For the many persevering scientists I am thankful. They advance science a step at a time, or sometimes in a bound. The area of artificial intelligence will soon touch on most areas of science and every day life. The directions taken can be varied, and will not always be obvious as good or bad. But directions and changes can take on a life of their own. I explore some of these in my science fiction writings, while remembering there is a human side to everything.



