James Tunney


After a career in law, James decided to re-channel his energy and concentrate on painting and writing. He has exhibited paintings in a number of countries. His most recent book, AI-Govnerveance is the most recent addition in a series on AI and Scientocracy. Last summer, Mystic Murmuration, a book of poetry was published. In addition, he has written two books on mysticism, The Mystical Accord and The Mystery of the Trapped Light, containing analysis as well as poetry. In his series on scientocracy the last three books focus on AI, such as AI-Govnerveance, AI-posthumanism and The Mythic Aim of AI. Plantation of the Automatons is the the most extensive exploration in the same series following up on Empire of Scientism, TechBondAge and Human Entrance to Transhumanism. He has also written two dystopian novels. The creative work is driven by a desire to explore the role of the individual as a spiritual being in a world of increasing technological control. All books are linked by a strong belief in the power of the individual spirit and the importance of consciousness. They represent a call to every individual to evolve spiritually, learning from perennial philosophy, ultimately to form a global, invisible, network of autonomous people to protect the human spirit against technological control. To hear James talk about subjects related to his books, please visit the interview section on his website. Note that all James 12 books are linked to this author profile or the equivalent on Goodreads. James does not have a Facebook or Instagram presence but you are very welcome to visit his website. James has studied at Trinity College Dublin, The Honorable Society of the King’s Inn Dublin, Queen Mary College and University of London. After teaching English in the Basque Country and in Santander in Spain, he went to Scotland where he taught in Dundee and St Andrews. He has taught in Business and Management Schools as well as International Relations. He worked as a lecturer and Senior Lecturer and occasional Visiting Professor in France, Germany and China. He has also worked as an international legal consultant for International bodies such as the UNDP in countries such as Moldova and Lesotho, specialising in legal issues associated with the EU and global, commercial law. In addition he has held positions and a directorship in legal institutes, on advisory or editorial boards and participated in specialist, invited forums with bodies like UNESCO and the Chinese Academy of Social Science. He has also been a member of bodies such as IFTTA, Bileta and is currently a professional affiliate of the Galileo Commission. He uses that knowledge as a basis of a critique of the emerging scientocracy which represents the greatest ever threat to the spirit of the human race.



