Mr James Van Gelder


Works by Wheel of Knowledge Publishing: Enter the Infinite: The Path of Realization Enter Mo Pai: The Ancient Training of the Immortals The Study of Kiryo: Awakening The Symbiotic Healing Power Healing with Kiryo: The Adventures and Teachings of Tadashi Kanzawa There is a source of potential within each and every individual connected directly with their very perception of reality. It influences one's decisions the quality of life. It is through the study and development of this potential that one cultivates true wisdom. Searching for understanding, I have read numerous books surrounding topics of Buddhist meditation, kundalini yoga, Tibatan tantra, Indian Mantra, western hermetics, and Daoist cultivation. At the same time, along the way, has been my own personal training and experiential search for truth. It is through consistent training that I have begun to connect the dots and develop a general understanding that combines the merits of many different systems around the world. First hand experience and confirmation uplifts my investigation and helps me to form a coherent system of personal development. The ultimate goal is to unlock the great secrets that masters such as Buddha, Jesus, and many other legendary yogis throughout the world could possibly have attained. It is a quest to understand and create the most practical system of conscious attainment possible.


