James grew up in south west Ireland exploring ruined castles, secret tunnels, mysterious lakes and ancient islands while watching 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' on his toploading VHS video cassette recorder. These childhood experiences were the inspiration for 'Con of The Crannóg'. James also has a strong fascination with the traditions of Christmas. Not the shiny contemporary 'Norman Rockwell' image of Santa Claus, but the more ancient elements of the Father Christmas legend which go back, way back. Three trips to the arctic circle later, 'The boy who became Father Christmas: the story of Santa Claus' was published in 2011 and became a number 1 bestseller in 2014. James lives in south west England with his wife, two sons and family pooch. He is 'Director of Careers' at a trust of schools and is also a Solution Focused Hypnotherapist. He visits Ireland every year with his family. Father Christmas is still his hero.