Hello readers! My background is in non-fiction publishing and 'An Unexpected Affair' was the first fiction I had written since the age of about seven. Fortunately people enjoyed it, so I wrote 'A Summer of Surprises', which continues the adventures of my bookselling heroine, Eleanor Mace. Now these novellas are available to enjoy in one luscious, paperback volume! I'm also thrilled to present a brand-new title – 'The Bookshop Detective' – in which Eleanor ends up doing some sleuthing from her quiet corner of rural England. As if that wasn't excitement enough, my stories 'French Kisses' and 'A London Affair' are also out in one gorgeous paperback book. To discover more, please visit my website www.janelliswriter.com or follow me on Twitter @JanEllis_writer and Facebook. I look forward to sharing gossip with you there! Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you enjoy the books, please tell your friends and consider adding a short review. I really appreciate your feedback.