Janet Davis


Janet Davis refers to herself as “one who gathers stories.” She has an MA in Spiritual Nurture (Western Seminary-Seattle) and works as a spiritual director, writer, and speaker after many years in hospital chaplaincy. She has published three books: The Feminine Soul: Surprising Ways the Bible Speaks to Women , originally published by Navpress in 2006. Her second book, Sacred Healing: MRIs, marigolds, and miracles (Twenty-third Publications, 2010), is a collection of vignettes chronicling her experience of her son’s diagnosis, treatment, and recovery from a brain tumor. My Own Worst Enemy is Janet's latest release and features the stories of women an Scripture alongside the stories of modern women. Janet is passionate about women and Scripture. She offers spiritual direction in Beaumont and Austin and is a member of Spiritual Directors International and Austin Area Spiritual Director’s Association. Janet and Bob, her husband of more than thirty years, live in Austin, Texas. She enjoys their four adult children, gardening, and good food, and maintains a website at www.janetdavisonline.com.



