"Trauma Junkie" is the ultimate story of an unknown amateur writer stumbling into the overwhelming world of publishing. Over the 10 years I worked for CALSTAR (California Shock Trauma Air Rescue), I kept a journal. It was private, allowing me a place to work my feelings after horrendous calls. then something unexpected happened- I began to enjoy writing. Over the years the stories piled up. When I left to go to a graduate program for anesthesia, my little journal sat in a box, almost forgotten. That TJ was published at all was a miracle. My query letter came over Firefly's 'transom', and hit the right desk at the right time. Since the original publish date, my little journal has certainly been a fun ride. I am not a professional writer, (although I come from a family of writers), and the fact TJ is still alive is wonderful. About me: born in Columbus, Ohio, and moved to Palo Alto, California in 1971. My undergraduate degree, a BSN with a dual degree in Psychology was at the University of San Francisco. I returned to graduate school in 1994, and after two intense years, graduated with honors with an MSN, specializing in anesthesia. Nurse Anesthetists (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists-CRNA) are the only advance practice nurses that are wholly independent practitioners, not requiring physician involvement in our anesthesia. About me: happily married to my Texan Redneck Nurse, Mark, (yes, I know it's an odd combination)- 24 years to date. My passion is Dressage-ballet on horseback. Tiramisu- barn name Misu- is a relatively green, talented, Dutch Warmblood mare. I also have a passion for our natural world. Our houndy-mutty dog, Maggie, is my constant companion.