Jayme Adelson-Goldstein is an ESOL professional development specialist, curriculum consultant and author. Through her consulting firm, “Lighthearted Learning,” Jayme facilitates face-to-face and online workshops on ESOL teaching techniques throughout the United States and teaches online adult ESOL methods courses internationally through TESOL. Her most recent projects include the California Adult Literacy Professional Development Project (CALPRO) Virtual Workroom for Multilevel Teachers (http://calpro-online.org/VirtualWorkroom/default.asp ) and an EL/Civics workshop series for ACE of Florida. Jayme lives with the eccentric (“and that’s a good thing”) Gary Goldstein, author of the tween series “The Mythfits” (themythfits.com) and their odd little dog, Baxter. She proudly proclaims her maternal ties to Emily Peal, quirk rock singer-songwriter par excellence. (emilypeal.com)