Jean Marzollo was born and raised in Manchester, Connecticut. She says, "As a child, I loved to read and sew dolls' clothes, one outfit after another. I am a graduate of Manchester High School, the University of Connecticut, and the Harvard Graduate School of Education. After working as a high school English teacher and editor of Scholastic's "Let's Find Out" kindergarten magazine with Carol Devine Carson for 20 years, I began writing children's books. I have written over 130 books, including the award-winning, best-selling I SPY series for children, written completely in rhythm and rhyme. Rhythm and rhyme are like music without the tune; they lure and excite the ear. Children love rhythm and rhyme, and so do I. Do you know that I SPY actually has the same rhythm as "Old Mother Hubbard" and also rap? I treasure the beautiful, intricate photographs by Walter Wick in the I SPY books. When I wrote the first I SPY book, I automatically thought of kindergarten children so everything that I called for was concrete, something a 5-year-old can find. The result is a hunting game that children and grownups can play together successfully. Sometimes children are better than their parents! In recent years I took up painting and have begun to illustrate my own "books on paper" and "books online." You can see them on my website: jeanmarzollo.com. Writing and illustrating picture books today is as much fun as sewing dolls' clothes was when I was in third grade. As soon as I'm done with one book, I'm happily compelled to start the next." Jean Marzollo lives in Upstate New York. www.JeanMarzollo.com