Jennifer Everly is a professional writer and the mom of an amazing child with ADHD. When her daughter started to struggle with ADHD-related self-esteem issues, Jennifer began researching ways to help increase her child’s self-confidence. As a result of that research, The Secret Superpowers of ADHD was born. Jennifer wrote the book she always wanted to find: One that celebrates the incredible strengths and skills of YOUR child, in an ADHD-engaging format, with tools to help provide a lasting, positive effect on your child’s self-image. Jennifer’s hope is that the book will empower children, helping them see that ADHD brings with it some incredible qualities and traits that ANYONE would be proud to possess. Jennifer has worked for many years as a web content writer and spends most of her free time with her daughter, Talia. Most evenings you can catch her walking her lettuce-loving Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Tucker, around the neighborhood. Website ➜ Newsletter & fun freebies ➜ Contact ➜