Jennifer (husband Kirk) was born in Oakland and taught high school art for 4 decades. She has a BFA in Art Ed. from BSU, and Master’s from Mississippi State, receiving state/national awards, including the Governor’s Award in Art Ed., US West TOY, BSU’s Distinguished Alumni and Women Making History, ING’s 1 st Place National Unsung Hero, the NEA’s Teaching Excellence Award, Idaho’s Art TOY, and the 2002 IDAHO TEACHER OF THE YEAR. In 2016, she was one of five teachers nationwide inducted into the NATIONAL TEACHERS HALL OF FAME in Emporia, Kansas, and the first Idaho teacher to have ever been recognized by President Obama for this. Jennifer is a published artist, writing 2 art textbooks, and 16 children’s books to share stories about the sentient beings that find their way to her. Jennifer passionately advocates for all creatures. Jennifer has taken art to one room school houses for over 40 years with her ‘Project Van Go’. Her greatest work, she says, is that of mother to four amazing children: Hillary, Tyler (Lauren), Jessica (Kyle, Norah, Harper) and Emily (Jason, Sonja, Reed). Jennifer rehabilitates wild and domesticated animals. Her greatest inspiration was her Mother.