Jennifer Jewell


Jennifer Jewell is a gardener, gardening educator, and advocate. Since 2016, she has written and hosted the national award- winning, weekly public radio program and podcast, Cultivating Place: Conversations on Natural History & the Human Impulse to Garden, a coproduction of North State Public Radio in Chico, California. Particularly interested in the intersections between gardens, the native plant environments around them, and human culture, she is the daughter of a garden- and floral-designing mother and a wildlife biologist father. A graduate of Harvard University, Jennifer has been writing about gardening professionally since 1998; her work has appeared in Gardens Illustrated, House & Garden, Natural Home, and Pacific Horticulture among others. She served as native plant garden curator for the Gateway Science Museum on the campus of California State University, Chico, from 2009–2018. She lives and gardens in the rich biodiversity of interior Northern California, on traditional lands of the Mechoopda Maidu people, hiking in the company of her daughters and her partner, John Whittlesey, whenever possible. The Earth in Her Hands, 75 Extraordinary Women Working in the World of Plants, Jennifer’s first book, was published by Timber Press in 2020; Under Western Skies, Visionary Gardens from the Rockies to the Pacific Coast is due out from Timber Press in April 2021. You can follow her work at


