Jennifer is a wife and the mother of two young boys. As a child, she was a high-level competitive gymnast, a young entrepreneur with her own shell craft business, and a member of a tent camping club with her family. She loves RVing, boating, flying, skiing, hot yoga, fashion and is a graduate of the University of Colorado, Boulder. When she and her husband, who is a public-school teacher and also has his CDL, decided to buy their rare RV in 2020 amidst the pandemic, they knew it was very special. She wanted to create something that would allow Big Rig Family Truckster to be shared with other children and their families, so Jennifer writes to share her family’s adventures, trials, and tribulations. The simplicity lifestyle, yet complexity, of owning an older, rare RV can be fun, comical, and trying-- all at various times. It's not always all smores, but she tries to keep it real, and loves the special times and memories she is creating with her family. Keep a look out for other Big Rig Family Truckster learning, rhyme and travel books to come. She has self-published her first book and hopes that children as well as adults love reading her books for generations to come and get a kick out of her fun camp lifestyle fashion brand. Jennifer is open to publishing and licensing deals to help make the dream of making Big Rig Family Truckster and #WeCampFolk into household brand names. In addition, she is seeking marketing partnerships. Learn more and shop her entire line of Hip Camp Fashion for the whole family, Books and Big Rig Family Truckster apparel at: WeCampFolk.com ( Books about camping, Kids books about camping, camping books, kids travel journal, Books about a motorhome, motorhome book, RV book, books about rving, kids travel books, camp books, kids camping book, kids adventure books, rv book for kids, kids rv book, kids motorhome book, RV book, motorhome book, kids character books, childrens camping book, kids travel journal, travel journal, kids book about camping, kids books about camping, motorhome book, RV book, fun kids books, kids travel books, RV living books, books about making friends )