Jess Whittington


Jess Whittington currently lives in Mandeville, Louisiana USA. When Jess is not following his curiosities, like trekking through Ancient Egypt, driving around Iceland with his family, or learning how to 3D print telescopes, he is either dancing in New Orleans, hanging with his family, or trying to figure out new ways to see this amazing world. Jess is fluent in German and English and has studied in both Germany and America. With degrees in Business, Film, and Engineering Physics, Jess follows his heart and imagination when choosing new adventures. While falling in love with Egypt was not the plan, the amazing world and Egyptian culture have captured some internal fire that seems to get bigger and bigger.  Jess plans on returning back to Egypt for more adventures and seeing and learning more. Even though Jess's current books pertain to traveling companions and introductions to ancient cultures, the goal is to write a horror book in the very near future.


