Jesse William Shanks III, a native of Independence, Louisiana in Tangipahoa Parish, is an author whose multifaceted life journey has shaped his literary prowess. Born and raised as a military dependent, Jesse III's exceptional talent as a scholar and athlete shone brightly across various sports. He actively engaged in the vibrant world of dramatic arts, as he honed his skills in jpournalism, computer science, and programming through self-guided study. He was a pioneering force in the realm of Internet and Web Development and was a computer programming instructor in various schools across Northern California, while freelancing as a tutor, writer, programmer, and developer. Jesse has written screenplays for television and motion pictures in a diverse and thought-provoking, eclectic array, including American History, Ancient Rome, and American Theater. In recent years, Jesse III has passionately ventured into the realm of music discovery on Apple Music, Genealogy and Artificial Intelligence.