Jim Aylesworth


Jim Aylesworth tells his stories with generous doses of loud sounds, rhythms and rhymes. His experiences as a teacher have taught him that these are the elements children like in a story, especially when it is being read aloud. So, in Hanna's Hog, Aylesworth includes a loud hog call, in The Completed Hickory Dickory Dock, he offers numerous bouncy nonsensical rhymes, in Country Crossing, the sounds of the still countryside and a train passing fill the night, and in Old Black Fly, a repetitious, rhythmic chant follows a pesky fly in its journey through a house. Little Bitty Mousie is another alphabetical romp thorough a household as Mousie explores the house... Tip tippy tippy tippy Went her little mousie toes Sniff sniffy sniffy sniffy Went her little mousie nose Jim Aylesworth was born in Jacksonville, Florida but as an infant moved from the state. He lived in many places during his childhood: Alabama, Indiana, Georgia, Tennessee, Texas... but by the time Aylesworth was 15 his family had settled in Hinsdale, Illinois and that is where he graduated from high school in 1961. In 1965, he graduated from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio ... (Read more at ayles.com/biography.html) ~~~~ (A note: There are several readings of select books available on the World Wide Web. However, such readings and their publication are not authorized by the publisher who holds the authority to grant permission for audio/visual recordings of all titles written by Jim Aylesworth. Commercially available audio/CDs can be located by clicking on the Audio/CD tab on this page. Reading aloud to children is an important activity in motivating young children to learn to read. Parents who read to their children give them one of the best gifts that can be given to their children -- and classroom teachers will find reading aloud to be a valuable classroom activity. Perhaps a volunteer reader and a comfortable rocking chair reader could help promote reading books of all types.) ~~~ Author Programs The Lily Garden Author Program: Jim Aylesworth - June 28, 2012 -- found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3mdM75lCxM ~~~ Book Reviews-- What We're Reading: Various Books by Jim Aylesworth - Reviewed by Robin Curry, a staff member at Glen Ellyn Library. Includes comments about Aylesworth's books in general and specially about Old Black Fly, Little Bitty Mousie, Naughty Little Monkeys. found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nZsc6JHVcQ Shera's Book Review -- by Ashley Fitzgerald -- a Review of Gingerbread Man -- found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmM1I0lgzMw If you upload a book review of one of Jim's books and want to send along a URL of the location of the book review send a note to "oldfly@ayles.com" and we will be consider posting a link to your review on our author page. (Thanks)



