Jim Mason


Jim Mason is an author, attorney, and activist in the Animal Freedom Movement since 1973. His first book, with co-author Peter Singer, Animal Factories, came out in 1980. The book's revised and updated edition came out in 1990. These books broke long-frozen ground in revealing the dangers and horrors of modern animal agribusiness, aka factory farming. He published An Unnatural Order: the roots of our destruction of nature in 1993 and in revised and updated edition in 2021. The book tells the story of how agriculture altered humans' relations with nature and led to the making of the prevailing worldview of human dominion of the living world. Mason, with co-author Peter Singer, published The Way We Eat: Why our food choices matter in 2006. The book has been translated and published in Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, Catalan, Korean, Turkish, and modern Chinese. His latest book, Madness: the deep driver of our climate crisis/lessons from my family farm, tells of trauma from presumably "necessary" cruelties experienced during his childhood. Mason tells how those painful memories led him to insights that moved him to activism and writing.

