John Alan Turner


John Alan Turner is a writer, a theologian, a leadership consultant, and a teacher who is recognized for his ability to present the story of God intelligently and accessibly. Having grown up in Southern California, he studied at Pepperdine University, Hope International University, The Bear Valley Bible Institute and the London School of Theology -- earning a Th.M. and narrowly avoiding a D.Phil. He has appeared on American Family Radio and The Coral Ridge Hour television broadcast. Turner has also authored a number of books including THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO THE DA VINCI CODE (Broadman & Holman, '06), HEARTS AND MINDS: Raising Your Child With a Christian View of the World (Tyndale, '06), THE 52 GREATEST STORIES OF THE BIBLE: A Daily Devotional (Regal Books, '08) and his most recent release CRAZY STORY; SANE GOD. John lives in downtown Atlanta. He enjoys jazz, baseball, and reading --- though not necessarily in that order.



