John Collins is the author and webmaster of William Branham: Historical Research (https://william-branham.org). He was born and raised in "The Message" cult following of William Branham, and is the grandson of Willard Collins, former pastor of William Branham's "Branham Tabernacle" in Jeffersonville, Indiana. From 1976 to 2012, John was unduly influenced to believe and practice many of the religious and cultural views expressed by William Branham and by men and women who were in Branham's inner circle. After his escape in 2012, John began the process of deprogramming from the indoctrinated religious and world views Branham expressed on recorded sermons from 1947 to 1965. This process included re-evaluating every aspect of life, including personal experiences and beliefs that were core to his belief system, world view, and personality. In the early stages of this re-evaluation, John's worldview was centered around indoctrinated apocalyptic theology that resulted from William Branham's focus on doomsday through either doomsday predictions or alleged doomsday prophecies. As a result, early research focused upon differences between Branham's theological views and that of evangelical or fundamentalist Christianity with the intent to categorize Branham's doctrines into categories of Biblical, Extra-Biblical, and Anti-Biblical. Once establishing the baseline for religious views, John began to research the historical life events of William Branham. Branham's "Life Story" was integrated into the religious views as core theology in "The Message", due to William Branham's usage of his accounts as the foundation for many doctrines expressed in his recorded sermons. While focused primarily upon William Branham, it was necessary to also research the men associated with or influential to Branham, as well as notable events in the historical timeline of United States and World History. When this research was organized chronologically, John began to notice patterns of data that appeared to suggest strategic usage of Pentecostal and fundamentalist extremism to advance the political views of men affiliated with or participating in the creation of William Branham's ministry. William Branham: Historical Research is an ongoing project to document and organize that research data for public usage. He is the happily married father of three boys. He enjoys spending time with his family, playing his collection of stringed instruments, and visiting new places. His hobbies include music, art, video games, science fiction books or movies, or documentaries. When not writing, he relaxes by studying ancient world archaeology, geography, religion, and culture.