John is a national speaker, marketing consultant and co-author of the award-winning ECOpreneuring as well as Farmstead Chef, Rural Renaissance, Edible Earth and The Least Imperfect Path. He was the lead writer (and/or photographer) for Renewing the Countryside: WISCONSIN and Llewellyn's 2009 Green Living Guide. He is also the co-author and photographer for six award-winning multicultural children's photobooks for the Global Fund for Children, including To Be a Kid, Be My Neighbor and To Be an Artist. As a freelance writer and photographer, John contributes to Urban Farm, Mother Earth News, Natural Home, Hobby Farms, Natural Awakenings, Hobby Farm Home, and E Magazine, among many others. For the latest on his speaking engagements, see: www.innserendipity.com/ecopren/ecopren-speak.html Websites: www.farmsteadchef.com www.ecopreneuring.biz www.ruralrenaissance.org www.innserendipity.com