John Diary grew up in the forests of Ontario, Canada. When the sun came up, he would run through the trees, conquering imaginary kingdoms and acting out wonderful stories. When the sun went down, he would read; anything and everything, stocking up on stories to act out when morning came again. At the age of twelve, a teacher asked him to write a letter to himself in ten years. He made his twenty-two-year-old self promise that he would be an author or an astronaut. Ten years later, John had completely forgotten about the letter. He had just finished teacher’s college and gotten his first job teaching at an elementary school, but it seemed like there was something missing from his life. The letter arrived exactly when he needed it to. John is five centimetres too tall to be an astronaut, so now he's here. He is now an elementary school teacher in Ottawa, Canada and on the weekend, writes all the books that twelve-year-old John would want to read. He lives with his dog, Jackie, who likes to hunt rabbits and lie on John’s laptop whenever he tries to write. He also lives with a billion imaginary characters that rattle around his brain, just begging to be written into a book. Find out more at johndiary.com!